View our Interactive Zoning Map online to get in depth information in regards to your Zoning questions by clicking here.
First, locate your property on the Historic District Map and determine whether you are within one of the City’s Historic Districts; the City and Harrisburg Architectural Review Board (HARB) only have purview over Municipal Historic Districts and not National Historic Districts.
The City’s historic districts regulations are included in Chapter 7-317 of the Zoning Code. If so, please refer to the documentation under the link to the map for appropriate projects within the historic district; as a general rule, if the project will use in-kind replacements (meaning the material and the design is the same), then such projects can be administratively approved by the Planning Bureau. If not, then a Certificate of Appropriateness application (the application is on the website) must be filed, which is reviewed by HARB; HARB and/or City Council approval is required for the work to commence as proposed.
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